Becoming Your Healthiest Self Using the Six Core Practices
Heal your relationship with yourself.
Take this essential step in your journey towards your most healthiest self.
Beginning with new HOCI Overview Chart
1. You will learn the qualities that define the true birthrights of a child.
2. Next, you will see how the child experiences functional and dysfunctional upbringings, where a family system either welcomes and nurtures or stifles and disrespects a child's true nature.
3. Ultimately, you will learn to practice the 6 core practices that aid in the healing process of loving yourself, protecting yourself, knowing yourself, taking care of yourself, balancing yourself and finally connecting yourself to others interdependently.
It is true, using the six core practices will change your life!
The Healing Our Core Issues (HOCI) Institute was founded with a mission to teach lay people an effective, intuitive methodology for addressing their childhood trauma. Through a carefully selected blend of core issues work informed by Pia Mellody, mindfulness, attachment theory, somatic (body-based) therapy, the HOCI model engages the tools within, allowing you to realize your fully healthiest Self.
Over the course of this online learning module, experienced individual and couples therapists Jan Bergstrom, LMHC and Dr. Rick Butts, LPCC-S will discuss the fundamental components of a healthy adult life. The lessons held within this 2 hour course are valuable for every kind of student – all are welcome.
Begin your self-directed healing journey today!
$59 | 2 hours | Becoming Your Healthiest Self Using the Six Core Practices
Become Your Healthiest Self
Register for our online coursework and begin shifting the traditional way that you look at your life.
The opportunity is right here, right now... You only need to take it.